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Forehead Lifts(Brow Lifts)

Life changing out-patient plastic surgery by Double Board Certified Dr.  No anesthesia, less downtime, and affordable.

Is your face starting to show the inevitable signs of aging? One of the first areas of the face to show any aging is the forehead. If you’re beginning to notice wrinkling in your forehead, excess loose skin or drooping brows, a forehead lift, also known as a brow lift, might be your best solution. The doctors at FaceMagic Center have over 25 years of experience performing brow lifts for patients who are hoping for a younger look. At FaceMagic, you can trust that you’re in the right hands, because faces are all we do!

Why get a Brow Lift?

Forehead lifts are typically performed for patients aged 40-65. The procedure involves raising the patient’s brow, which removes the appearance of forehead wrinkles and frown lines. In certain cases, it may be necessary to remove the muscle that causes vertical frown lines between the brows. The primary goal of a patient looking to receive a brow lift is typically to make the eyes more youthful. The raising of the brow and forehead gives the eyes a more rested appearance.

Following the procedure, there will most likely be very minimal pain, if any, however, some swelling and bruising should be expected. To prevent any further swelling, it is recommended that the patient keeps their head elevated for about 2-3 days.

Is a Brow Lift for you?

If you’ve noticed wrinkles and frown lines in your forehead, and you want to look and feel younger, you may be a candidate to receive a brow lift. Find out today!

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